About Us

The Colquitt County Teachers Federal Credit Union is a federally insured, member owned credit union that has been established since 1957. When you become a member of a credit union, you are not just a customer, but become part owner of a non-profit organization that is governed by a board of directors who consist of your peers and who serve in this position as a non-paid volunteer. Rest assured, your money is fully insured up to $250,000 by NCUA (National Credit Union Association).

All assets belong to the members and control is exercised by members through election of officers and committee members at the annual meeting. The Board of Directors and Supervisory Committee members serve on a voluntary basis and devote many hours of off-duty time in carrying out their duties and responsibilities.

Staff Directory

Sally Yarbrough
Jessica Summerlin
Loan Officer
Stephanie Sellers
Head Teller

Contact Information

Physical Address:
1833 Park Avenue SE
Moultrie, GA 31768

Mailing Address:
P.O. Box 2708
Moultrie, GA 31776

Phone: 229-890-6214
Email: creditunion@cctfcu.net

Office Hours

Monday - Thursday
9:00 am - 5:00 pm

9:00 am - 4:00 pm

Board of Directors

Keith Adams President
Sherice White Vice President
Vickie Sangster Secretary
Jeff Horne Treasurer
Sandra Hill SC Chairperson
Jack Faison Board Member
Jim Horne Board Member

Better than Bank Rates

Save more and spend less with CCTFCU’s market-leading interest rates on Savings & Loans.

Account Type Minimum Opening Deposit Minimum Bal to Earn APY Dividend Rate APY
Regular Share Acct $5.00 $5.00 0.10% 0.10%
$2,500 Club Acct $2,500.00 $2,500.00 0.20% 0.20%
Christmas Club Acct - - 0.25% 0.25%
Terms Dividend Rate Annual Percentage Yield
Certificate of Deposits
*Minimum Opening Deposit – $1,500
*Dividends Credited – Monthly
*Dividends Compounded – Monthly
6 month 2.00% 2.018%
12 month 3.75% 3.815%
18 month 3.25% 3.298%
24 month 3.00% 3.041%
Year Models 2024-2025 APR
48 months 6.10%
60 months 6.25%
66 months 6.50%
72 months 6.75%
84 months 7.25%
Year Models 2022-2023 APR
48 months 6.50%
60 months 6.75%
66 months 7.00%
72 months 7.25%
84 months ($25,000 minimum) 7.70%
Year Models 2020-2021 APR
48 months 7.50%
60 months 7.75%
66 months 8.00%
72 months ($20,000 minimum) 8.25%
Year Models 2018-2019 APR
36 months 7.25%
48 months 7.75%
60 months 8.25%
66 months 8.75%
Year Model 2017 APR
24 months 7.75%
36 months 8.00%
48 months 8.25%
60 months ($15,000 minimum) 8.75%
Year Models 2016 & Older APR
24 months 8.50%
30 months 8.75%
36 months 9.00%
48 months ($15,000 minimum) 9.25%

Recreational Vehicles

(i.e. Boats, Jet Skis, ATVs, Campers, Motor Homes, etc)

Term APR
48 months 8.50%
60 months 8.75%
66 months 9.00%
72 months 9.25%
84 months 9.50%
120 months 10.00%
*Can only go 120 months if over $25,000*

Motorcycles, Tractors & Lawn Mowers

Term (Months) APR
36 months 8.25%
48 months 8.50%
60 months 8.75%
66 months 9.00%
72 months 9.25%